A little more about me:
+ I love queso. (I know it's Tx and everyone does...but I love White Queso which is hard to find. If you want good white queso go to Salsa Tex Mex)
+ I eat Chipotle and Sushi once a week

+My fam LOVES cruising. Our kids are Gold members and only need about 2 more cruises before they are platinum members, lol.
+ I love makeup and hair tutorials. I watch all the Youtube videos and have way too much makeup in my kit!

I'm a midwest girl who loves all things southern! I love to travel, try new restaurants, and have become a bit of a plant hoarder. 

I am a mom to two, Jaxan (14) and Addie Grace (10) and I am married to Nathan, who I met at a summer job during college. He was my lifeguard instructor at the waterpark back home.

My photography journey started even before I loved it. Nathan was a hobby photographer and I was a banker. I handled the business side of things and then bam, we had Jaxan and I couldn' t put my camera down. I realized when I became a momma that I wanted to document everything and how much I cherished images of my family.

I am so glad you are here!

Hey there!

My goal is to really connect with each Senior. I found that when Nathan and I volunteered at our church youth group back in Mo, I loved mentoring High Schoolers. I, personally, didn't have the best high school experience. I was filled with insecurity, had a few bad relationships, and just wasn't my best self. I want every senior to feel confident, comfortable and happy in front of my camera.

A photo can not only capture the special time in a seniors life but capture the person they may not even realize they are...a strong, confident, amazing person who is about to embark on the adventure of their life. 

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